We usually deliver products in 2 to 7 working days . In very rare cases it may take up to 10 working days if product is not available after booking.
Once product is shipped , we will send you tracking information to your registered email id with in 2 to 4 Working days .
We Accept Debit card , Credit card , UPI payments . However at this point of time we are not accepting Cash on delivery.
If Product Is Damaged /Missing customer need to take a 360 Degree unboxing video from opening of parcel to end without cut pause, and send us a video to our what’s app number 8838337459 , So that we can send new product to the same address . If the product is missing then we will send refund the payment for the particular product .
Note : If customer failed to send an unboxing video , we are not responsible for any damage that occurred in courier .
We are absolutely sorry to say , Right now we don’t have cancellation options . However , For any address change or mobile number change , you can call us 8838337459 and update your information within 4 Hrs from the time of booking .
Currently we are delivering only within India . We do not accept international shipments.
Currently We don’t have return or exchange options . However if the product is damaged we will send you the new product only when it is proved in unboxing video of parcel.
We usually refund payments with in 2 to 7 working days if product is unavailable after booking .
We ship through multiple partners like Professional courier , ST courier , Franch express , DTDC etc